For many reasons, students rarely report the bullying they experience to adults. Students may be afraid of retaliation, they may think the bullying is their fault, they may feel ashamed, or they may believe that adults are unable or unlikely to stop the harassment. This five-step process helps combat students’ feelings of helplessness and reluctance to report.
Step 1: Affirm the student’s feelings.
· You were right to talk to an adult.
Step 2: Ask questions.
· Get information about the current situation and the history of the situation.
Step 3: Identify what has and has not worked in the past.
Step 4: Generate solutions for the future.
· Discuss how the student can avoid the person who has bullied him/her (sit closer to bus driver, stay with friends, move desk)
· Create a plan with the students.
· Coach the student in using assertiveness skills (if relevant to situation- remind that aggression is never an appropriate solution)
· Identify others (parents, teachers, friends) who can support the student
Step 5: Follow Up
· Follow up weekly for 4 weeks; then bi-weekly (1 month); then at 1 month
· See how the plan is working; tweak if needed
· Contact family members as appropriate
· Inform/update teacher
Adapted from on line resources